
What does the CRI-value mean?

The CRI (Color Rendering Index) is a measurement used to evaluate how accurately a light source renders colors when compared to a reference light source with the same color temperature.

The CRI is essential for assessing the quality of light and its ability to reveal the true colors of objects.


As can be seen below, the CRI scale ranges from 0 to 100, with a higher value indicating a better color rendering ability.


Average CRI values:


Lamp type Color temperature CRI
Traditional Light bulb 2600K 95-100
Halogen 2800K-2900K 95-100
Energy saving bulb 2700-6500K 80
Ledlamp 2100K-6500K 80-90


Every individual has a personal experience with color temperature and the visual representation of it.
Regarding eye sensitivity, the general sensitivity of the human eye can register different golf lengths of colors. This is determined by three types of light-sensitive cells, which are called receptors.

These receptors are represented in the yellow part of the color spectrum.


In this area, the optical axis of our eye lens cuts our retina. That is why the yellow area represents the area where your optical sharpness is at its peak. This is not the same for everyone, hence why different shades of colors may be perceived per person. This is why you need to determine this for yourself by checking out physical testers in a store.