
What does color temperature mean?

The color of light is represented in Kelvin. This unit of measurement represents color temperature.

Color temperature

What are tangible examples of color temperature? At a higher color temperature, the light becomes blue (cool). With a lower color temperature, the light becomes yellow (warm).


Below are some examples:

Candle light 1200K
Sunrise (Morning) 2000K
Sunrise (High noon) 3500K
Daylight 5000K
Afternoon sun 5700K
Natural white light 6500K


The color temperature has a big influence on the atmosphere of the room you are using your lights. Warmer lighting has a natural calming effect, whereas a blue colder color enhances concentration.

An overview of our color temperatures:

Flame 2200K
Extra warm white 2100-2500K
Warm white 2500-3000K
Cool white 4000K
Daylight 6500K