Frequently asked questions

Why the energylabel on your product may differ from what is mentioned on

According to the new Energy Labeling Regulation (EU) 2019/2015 (abbreviated ELR) as of Sept. 1, 2021, almost all LED lamps, fluorescent lamps and energy-saving bulbs have a new energy label. The new scale runs from A (dark green) to G (red). The most efficient energy label is "A" and the least efficient is "G." This makes it extra easy to choose an energy-efficient lamp.

Until Sept. 1, 2021, the label ran from A++ to E. The old scale did not provide good information because many products were labeled A++ and so it became very unclear to people. Many light bulbs were already at the highest level. The transition to a new energy label does not mean that bulbs are now going to be less energy efficient. The new label gives more room for even more energy-efficient bulbs.

To make room for new, very energy-efficient lamps, the most economical energy class (A) will remain empty as much as possible. Products labeled B, C or D are roughly comparable to the old A+ or A++ label. So you should not be shocked if you have bought a lamp what on a new scale only gets a D. This product is certainly not less energy efficient. It is exactly the same only the energy consumption is assessed more strictly and the product gets a lower energy class.

Also read the blog below about this on the website.